Mission Statement
Hailey’s Haven, Inc. is a registered non profit corporation and IRS designated 501(c)(3) charity, established to
assist children and teens going through a difficult life transition
while helping them maintain their self-worth and dignity by providing necessities to support their mind, body and spirit. Currently Hailey’s Haven is working within Monmouth, Essex, Salem, and Middlesex County, New Jersey. However, the plan is to expand to other counties in the near future. Hailey’s Haven has also partnered with Catholic Charities to deliver bags to Afghan refugees going through their transitions.

A Little Bit About Hailey
Hailey O’Donnell is an 18 year old freshman at The Ohio State University. She loves to spend time with her family and friends, volunteer, surf, snowboard, and travel both domestic and internationally.
From when she was very young giving back to those in need has always been her passion. She tries to lead by example and believes in the power of kindness and empathy.
Our Story
When Hailey completed her needs assessment at The Division of Youth and Family Services she quickly realized how often teens would leave their homes without their belongings, due to being more concerned about getting the essentials for their younger siblings. If the teens were able to take anything for themselves it would be in a plastic garbage bag. Shortly after, Hailey began to explore different ways she could empower them. From this came Hailey’s Haven, a unique non-profit program comprised of teens helping teens.
Hailey’s Haven is more than just a book bag. Each bag is thoughtfully picked out by Hailey and other teens. It includes the essentials they feel are needed to support the mind, body, and spirit of another teen during the transition from their home to a foster home. It has items that you can find any teen using throughout the day. The book bags and their enclosed items are in style and do not have any organizations names or logos on them. Also, each bag has a hand-written inspirational note from Hailey.
It is Hailey’s vision that each teen gains some hope for their new future with the book bag and that it helps empower them in their journey.

Get involved! We can’t do it without YOU.
The placement bags for teens are amazing! The teens appreciate the toiletries and are so thankful! The bags are full of basic necessities that are essential to the youth. The teens also love the special notes.
T. R.
DCPP Caseworker
We are so thankful for the Teen Bags! We have had so many youth that are grateful for all of the items that are placed in the individual bags.
J. S.
DCPP Caseworker
The youth appreciate having toiletries & items that are all new and they can call their own. The bags make a difficult situation easier. The teens love the positive notes and words of encouragement. The Division is grateful to have Hailey’s Haven donations at our Shore Store.